Oh August! You are bittersweet. It is a subtle reminder that although Summer is coming to an end my favorite time of the year is just around the corner.

How are you ending your quarantine summer?

As a reminder, my July goals were:

  1. Finish a book I started
  2. Start drinking herbal tea daily
  3. Do not turn on the TV until 8 PM on the weekdays
  4. Find a motivational quote daily
  5. Finish the 3-week program I started 2 years ago

I am sad to say I did not finish one of the books I started. One of the books I was trying to finish is called The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–And How to Make the Most of Them Now. I am about half way through this book and so far it has been a great read. The author Dr. Meg Jay is a clinical psychologist and this book was written about the realization about other clients in their twenties & what we should all know.

I drank herbal tea almost every day and I even found a new company I am obsessed with called My Tea Drop. The beauty of this company is Tea Drops are organic, pressed teas that dissolve in hot water. Think a bath bomb, but it’s tea and 20% less waste than a tea bag. Tea Drops are made with actual tea leaves, spices, and lightly sweetened with organic cane sugar. My current obsession is the chocolate earl gray tea and I have a sampler pack coming to try out their other flavors.

I was doing great at not turning on the television until I started working from home. That commute home allowed for that additional hour. I was still productive for two hours just minus the commute home.

I love reading daily motivational cards, quotes, articles and books. I find it puts everything in perspective for me and allows me to focus on positive behavior and let the negative behavior go, especially the petty behavior.

I finished my 3-week program and I am currently in between programs. I am excited to start this new program but I am waiting on my new weight set to come in because I am ready to go all in with this program and maximize my results.

When thinking about my August goals I wanted to focus on habits and decluttering. After all, going into a new season means a time to reset.

  1. Stay off of the computer and social media from 9 PM to 7 AM everyday
  2. Get 8 hours of sleep on a weeknight
  3. Listen to 10 minutes of a podcast every day
  4. Declutter/Simplify/Organize the closet
  5. Enjoy my “vacation”

What your goals to end the Summer strong?

See you next month with my honest and transparent self-review and Septembers goals