Hi Ladies, I am so excited you are ready (or even interested) in joining Team Boldly You. I founded this team in 2019 so I can share my passion for living a healthy and balanced lifestyle!

My love for living a healthy and balanced lifestyle began in California when I started hiking. I found a hiking trail that I loved and it worked my entire body. I was in shape, loving life, and hiking about five times a week and a minimum of 30 minutes a day!

When I moved to Florida in 2016, you can imagine it was a struggle to find a way to live that happy and balanced lifestyle as Florida is completely flat. I did not like the idea of going to a gym because I was insecure and honestly had no idea what I was doing (how many people actually do?).

In the Summer of 2018 a girl reached out to me, whom is now an inspiration to me, telling me about at home workouts and how much I would love them. I was intrigued but at the same time did not necessarily believe I would love it as much as she said I would. A few months passed and a little convincing I decided that it couldn’t be worse than my current habits…

REMINDER: At this time, I was 30 pounds heavier than when I left California, unhappy, unhealthy and just stuck.

This girl immediately added me to this virtual community and jumped on a call with me to help me out in getting set up. Next thing I knew I was working out from home and finding this virtual community of like-minded women who were in the same place as me!  Together we worked out (virtually or in person), focused on personal development, and most importantly gained forever lasting friendships.

Along the way I met Shannon, who is the exact opposite of me which is why I believe we get along so well! She is a ball full of energy and ready to go at any given moment. Whereas I need my morning quiet time. Are you a Shannon or Lexie?? Shannon lives in Maryland and we met for the first time in Orlando! Yes, we planned to meet and have a girl’s weekend!

My first year doing at home workouts I gained the following:

  • Worked my body and muscles in ways I never thought I could;
  • Read more than I had in my entire life (focusing on personal development based books);
  • Lost about 15 pounds;
  • Found happiness and gained an incredible amount of confidence (more than I had in California);
  • Found a tribe of like-minded women focused and ready to live their happy and balanced life;

In October 2019, I had just finished my bachelor’s degree (7 years later, but it’s never too late) and decided it was time to share my passion for living a healthy and balanced lifestyle all while (trying) to stay on a budget.


  • Want to get in the best shape of your life
  • Grow your mindset through personal development
  • Need a community to hold you accountable
  • Build relationships with like-minded babes feeling the same way

Then this is for you!


Here are some of the babes and you can see some wanted that transformation and others wanted to maintain what they worked so hard for…just from the comfort of their own home and to have that accountability

Where you are in journey today DOES NOT MATTER. It is all about documenting your journey and telling other like-minded babes that they are not alone. You could be that one INSPIRATION to someone and not even know it!


You decide to commit to at-home workouts but then what?

When you join our team, we do this together. We hold each other accountable, we guide you to eat a healthy and balanced lifestyle, share personal development tips & tricks, and most importantly HAVE FUN while building everlasting relationships!


  • Our private fitness group where you can track your progress, keep track of your eating habits, connect with other women, log your workouts and Shakeology, and see all the progress you are making daily physically and mentally!
  • Our meal plans & recipes guides to take the guess work out of what to eat and how much of it!


  • Have access to me all the time through Marco Polo
  • 1:1 Get Started Right Call on the phone or video


See the enrollment packages here (the packages are listed at the bottom of that page) before applying to join our team


That not only will get in the best shape of your life? BUT you could also turn this into a side hustle OR earn a discount for buying the products you love!

If you are curious how to build a side hustle or you just want a 20% discount, click here!

Thank you for taking a moment to learn more about why I love at-home workouts. I hope you believe in yourself enough to take this leap of faith with me!