Background on how Bows for Jo was Founded

In August 2020, she was expecting her first daughter Josie. She went to see Josie at her 30 week check up only to find out she was suffering from severe preeclampsia. It was so severe her local hospital could not give her the proper treatment and life flighted her to a hospital 4 hours away from her actual home. I am getting goosebumps and tears writing this as I cannot even imagine what she and her husband were going through. 

Josie was born at 30 weeks and 2 days gestational age. Both Josie and Madeline were fighting and her husband (Josie’s dad) did his best to keep everything together. Although, I do not know him – he was a trooper and I truly hope he knows that! Josie spent 42 days in the NICU and mama spent 46 days in the hospital. As excited as they were to go home, they knew their journey of doctors appointments (four hours away from home mind you) were long over. 

Watching their story unfold many states away truly made you realize that we often take things for granted. Keep in mind here, we were going through a global pandemic. Family and friends could not even visit them. 

Josie telling mom to buy all the bows
Josie & Madeline (mom) visiting
Enjoying the Holidays 2020

The Launch

Fast forward to April 2021, owner Madeline Herr wanted to do something to give back to NICU support programs. She founded Bows for Jo to do just that! 

Some fun facts about Bows for Jo:

  • New bows drop every Thursday;
  • 10% of all purchases go to NICU Support programs (a new program is chosen monthly & she will ask for the public’s help to learn about these programs all over the United States);
  • You can donate a bow to a little one currently in the NICU;
  • You can donate a NICU Warrior disc to a little one currently in the NICU;
  • All bows are handmade by Madeline in the USA

My Partnership with Bows for Jo

I had just found out I was pregnant Labor Day weekend 2020, as their story was unfolding. So this hit me much harder almost immediately. Immediately, it puts everything into perspective and makes you realize that you never know what life is going to present to you. I am a firm believer that you are only handed what you can handle even though it doesn’t always feel that way. I can tell you that Madeleine is one of the strongest women I know and someone who inspires me daily. 

When she launched Bows for Jo, I was so excited for her! I was also excited about the bows I could buy for my little one. It was obvious I wanted to support her and her family in any way I could. 

Not too long after the launch, I had the opportunity to partner with her to help her spread the word so Bows for Jo could grow and continue to give back to NICU support programs. Over the last few months, I continue to watch their story unfold, the struggles they face and how they handle everything with grace. Madeline and Josie are a huge reason why I have given myself so much grace during my own pregnancy and postpartum struggles. 

Use code MADISON10 for 10% off your purchase. By using this code, an additional ‘bow buck’ will be donated to their donate bow and disc program

From one mom to another go follow, Bows for Jo on Instagram. This NICU family is open, honest and genuine about daily life, struggles and the strength they gain being #NICUStrong.

* This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are genuinely my own. I do not make any money off the discount code*