I am too busy 🙈 sound familiar?

More often than not, we all tell ourselves, & the world, that “I am too busy to do what I want in life

I find myself doing the same thing from time to time. Why? Our brains naturally go into a self-defense mode because it’s the easier route to take and requires less energy.

A few years ago, a former boss told me that although she knew I was capable of managing a larger store I was too young to be respected as one.

I sat on that for a while and found many more excuses than “I am too busy” to justify that response.

Eventually, I realized I was going nowhere in this company and I had two options. Stay or Go.

Well I left, took a huge risk, and now I work for incredible people who gave me a chance.

BUT I didn’t stop there! I now own a company that I work in my FREE time.

Are there days that I am too busy? Absolutely.

Do I find a way? Absolutely.

Why? Just because I am successful doesn’t mean I have to limit myself either.

Think about it, how many business owners have one business or investment? Very few. Most people invest and create multiple revenue avenues. The same goes for stocks. How many people invest in one stock their entire life? They don’t. They have many.

So, are you too busy? Probably not. The fact is, we make time for the things we want in life. #truthbomb

Today, I woke up extremely grateful! I love my 9-5 job + I hit a huge milestone on my side hustle #bossbabes 

IF YOU…are ready to create your additional revenue avenues in your free time AND

  • Want to get in the best shape of your life
  • Grow your mindset through personal development
  • Need a community to hold you accountable
  • Build relationships with like-minded babes feeling the same way

Then this is for you!

Fill out your name and email and get the details!