How often do you come home from work on a Friday evening and feel you have all the time in the world to get that to do list done? Then, you blink and its Sunday at 5 PM and nothing has been accomplished. I cannot tell you enough, how often I have done that and sometimes still do.

I knew there was a reason why and so I put my planning obsession to good use to learn why that is.

I have learned how to train my brain to become more productive.

Here is how I do it and why I do it this specific way.

At the start of each weekend, Friday or first thing Saturday morning I create a list of everything I need to do that weekend.

Here is an example of one a portion of my list:

  1. Drink lemon water on Saturday
  2. Laundry
    1. Clean Laundry
    1. Put laundry away
  3. Clean Dishes
  4. Decide on meals for the week
  5. Create Grocery list
  6. Go grocery shopping
  7. Workout on Saturday
  8. Take a shower
  9. Brush my teeth
  10. Drink lemon water on Sunday

Do you see what I meant by ‘everything I need to do that weekend?’ Yes, I always remember to take a shower and brush my teeth. However, crossing such a simple thing off my list motivates me to keep going throughout the day/weekend.

Why? Dopamine!

Motivation is the essential and otherwise irreplaceable element of success. If we are not motivated, we fail.

When we experience even small amounts of success, our brains release dopamine, which is connected to the feelings of pleasure, learning, and motivation.

This is why when creating a to do list, its critical to put everything on there.

Checking items off a list releases small amounts of dopamine that then fuels you to keep going and tackling the not so fun areas of ‘adulting’ that we all have to do (for me that’s putting the laundry away).

After you create your list, tag me at @lexxiebarry with a selfie of you and your list! It’s time to hold each other accountable and motivate one another this weekend.