On most Mondays, I wake up ready for the week. Yesterday I woke up and realized I (a) overslept (b) didn’t meal prep & (c) more than likely was not working out in the morning

The old ‘me’ would have woken up, jumped out of bed frantic, stressed out and beating myself up over the actions I did and did not take over the weekend. Honestly, I would have let one minor setback set the tone for the rest of day and my month. This resulting in throwing those June goals out the window.


I woke up this morning, a little upset but knew this minor setback was not going to set me back. I got up (slowly), meal prepped for the week, cleaned up a little and went to work. I ended up having a lovely morning. Then, when I came home I pressed play and got my sweat sesh in.

I chose to accept my decisions but not let my decisions define me. I had an amazing weekend and it deserved a slightly off Monday morning, plus who doesn’t love a little more sleep

Here are 3 TIPS that have helped me go from the ‘old’ me to the shifted version:

  1. Notice 3 positive changes per day (reference a,b,c above)
  2. Focus on your long-term vision – one day of not being prepared does not define who you are as a person. In 10 years I will not remember that Monday morning I overslept. I will remember how I let my choices and fear stop me from living my dream.
  3. Eliminate your ‘I can’t’ mindset – The next time you say ‘I can’t’ replace those words with ‘I am choosing not to.’

These three tips have drastically changed my day-to-day routines and feelings. Yesterday, I chose to get up slowly and enjoy my morning over running around frantic over something I could not control in that moment.

My long term vision is not to never sleep in. My long term goals are things like owning my dream home, having a career that allows me freedom to do what I want, and more.

In the end, you will quickly realize that it’s not that you can’t do something, you are choosing not to. I realized once reframing the way I spoke that I often chose not to do something out of fear. At that moment, I knew the only person standing in the way of the future I wanted was me.

Comment below and let me know how these tips have helped you!