As I write this out, it’s a little surreal to think that I have just finished my first workout program as a mom! That is just wild and even more so crazy to think Sweet Girl has been in our lives for almost 4 months! Where does the time go? 

As a recap from the first four weeks, it took me five weeks to finish due to a death in the family. If there is one thing you take from this, it’s to listen to your mind and your body. Yes, consistency is key. However, so is your mental health. We all need a break. We all get burnt out. It is okay to give yourself grace when you need to. 

Anytime I reach a halfway point on any program, I become motivated on a whole new level. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and re-evaluate my choices in the first half to see if there are areas for me to improve.  I went shopping the weekend before, bought everything I needed and even meal-prepped on a Sunday! When I woke up Monday morning, I was so ready to go and push hard. Most of week four I made it through 10-15 minutes before losing my breath. I also learned I am still not able to jump, even a little, as I feel the urge to go to the bathroom immediately.

Sidenote: This has to be the oddest thing about having a baby, the muscles you use to jump that are weak still from having your little one. I will literally drop everything and run to the restroom. This also happens when I run aha so needless to say thats been a learning curve all on its own. 

As I approached week 6 of the program, I began to realize how much more I was able to push without losing my breath right away. I remember Day 1 of this postpartum journey like it was yesterday and lets just say your girl was struggling. I was out of breath in the first 30 seconds! With this in mind, I started the week and felt that I was able to push harder and focus on my nutrition. I was so sore this entire week and it felt great. Although she focuses on different areas of your body each day, every day is truly a full body workout which is one thing that I love!

Next thing I know, it’s week seven and I am getting that much closer and it feels great. My nutrition was on track for the most part, I was crushing workouts, sweating out my stress and worries and living my best life. Then the last week approaches which is normally the best week of any program for me. Honestly, it was so incredibly difficult. I was in a mood for most of it, hormones I am sure lol, not focusing on my nutrition but I still showed up. I still tried my best and I still finished on Sunday. Although I rearranged my rest days to listen to my mind and body and it still felt so good!

Sidenote Update: I am now able to do a little jumping (very light) without having to run to the bathroom right away so that is the only win I really needed during this program aha!

That feeling of accomplishment hit me harder than any other program I finished before. Including the first time I did this exact program. Prior to my pregnancy, I was so critical of my body. I did not feel good enough. I did not feel fit enough. I felt I was trying to make decisions to make everyone else happy before my own. I started to get past this slowly but then I found out, almost a year ago today, that we were expecting Sweet Girl and all those worries suddenly didn’t seem to matter. My entire pregnancy I adopted a much healthier mindset, in my opinion, I ate what I wanted, and said I’ve lost weight before I’ll do it again. I just wanted to enjoy this season of life as much as possible. 

I’ll tell you what, after Sweet Girl came I had a whole new respect for my body. I used to hate core days, today I embrace every single core workout. It is so weird how one life change can drastically change your entire perspective, but it is so true! 

That feeling of accomplishment hit me harder than any other program I finished before. Including the first time I did this exact program. Prior to my pregnancy, I was so critical of my body. I did not feel good enough. I did not feel fit enough. I felt I was trying to make decisions to make everyone else happy before my own. I started to get past this slowly but then I found out, almost a year ago today, that we were expecting Sweet Girl and all those worries suddenly didn’t seem to matter. My entire pregnancy I adopted a much healthier mindset, in my opinion, I ate what I wanted, and said I’ve lost weight before I’ll do it again. I just wanted to enjoy this season of life as much as possible. 

I’ll tell you what, after Sweet Girl came I had a whole new respect for my body. I used to hate core days, today I embrace every single core workout. It is so weird how one life change can drastically change your entire perspective, but it is so true! 

Enjoy today but be excited for the unknown. It might just be the best thing coming for you. 

Now, you are probably really thinking, SHOW ME YOUR RESULTS MAMA! I am a little upset I did not take measurements, not sure why but I blame it on mom brain lol so all I have is my before and after’s and my fancy scale, the Fit Track. I mention the Fit Track because it calculates so many different types including metabolic age. Which I started at 30 and down to 28. So close to being my actual age, 27! Always take the small wins ladies!


  • Weight Before Program: 162.2 lbs
  • Highest Weight During Program: 165.1 lbs
  • Weight After Program: 155.9 lbs
  • Measurements: Unknown (although I am able to fit in my more stretchy athleisure wear so I am excited to wear more than 4 outfits a week again) 

I put the highest weight during the program to show that this fitness journey is more than losing weight. When you work out you gain muscle and,if you do not know, muscle weighs more than fat. Of course, after not working out for almost a year I lost a LOT of muscle and it’s only natural that when gaining it back I might weigh more. 

Can you tell I cleaned the mirror in between each photo lol

Although I have not reached my goal, I am excited to continue this postpartum fitness journey and continue to embrace all that it has to offer.