*I wrote this about two months ago and realized I never posted it!*

At Sweet Girl’s 4 month check up we learned she was 15 pounds 11 ounces (75th percentile), her head circumference was also in the 75th percentile and her height was in the 90th percentile. She did have two shots and an oral vaccine. We were given the green light to start introducing fruits and vegetables at this point but it did not go over well at all!

At her 6 month check up we learned she was 17 pounds 13 ounces (75th Percentile) with her head circumference being 17 inches (75th percentile). She is 28 inches tall and above the 98th percentile right now. I am not sure how the percentiles work (if its location based) as I have seen other doctors give different percentiles for similar height, weight and overall size. Also, I was 10 pounds 9 ounces when I was born and they thought I was going to be ‘a giant.’ I am not, my sister who was a pound less than me is taller so you truly never know. Anyways, we also got three shots and oral vaccine at this check up. 

Now for some of her MILESTONES

It feels like each day Sweet Girl is doing more and more. From three months to six months she had the following “firsts.”

  • We can now grab items and switch them from hand to hand;
  • She will sit up unassisted for 1-5 minutes at a time;
  • Her kick has gotten stronger and will even play soccer with her toys when she is sitting up;
  • She rolls over quite well;
  • She will scoot around as she has not quite figured out crawling;
  • She is now sleeping in her crib all night (& only wakes up during her regular times) 
  • She loves the color yellow – anything yellow she gravitates to immediately

Overall, I feel we have a fairly consistent schedule. Our main goal for the next three months is getting her to sleep through the night. Lets just say night one of sleep training was a FAIL.

Each day varies but for the most part her SCHEDULE is

  • 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM – Wake Up/Eat/Diaper Change/Change into an outfit for the day
  • 7:00 AMish – We go for our morning walk with our pup Theodore
  • 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM – Play time (sometimes she would go longer)
  • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Nap time
  • 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Eat, diaper change, and have play time (sometimes she would go longer)
  • 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM –  Nap time
  • 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM – Eat, diaper change, and have play time (sometimes she would go longer)
  • 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Bath time, story time, feeding, and bedtime
  • 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM – Sweet Girl typically wakes up around 1-2 am to eat and then again around 5-7 AM to eat before getting up for the day. 

I have always gone to bed early and woken up early so her 5-7 am feeding is when I get up for the day and try to get at least one cup of coffee in before she wakes up for the day. 

We have transitioned to outfit changes in the morning to help with creating a schedule. 

Her FEEDING schedule goes something like this…

Sweet Girl still loves her milk and still more than food too! However, at her 6 month check up her doctor suggested we really focus on food more than ever. I have tried baby-led weaning and homemade purees and she is not really a fan of anything. She did like sweet potatoes and carrots. The carrots appeared to constipate her and she was in so much pain it broke my heart. This happened at 4 months old so I took a break as it was still very early and did not want to rush anything. 

Prior to becoming a mom, I swore I would not buy pre-made baby food. I was doing it myself. Which I still do not have a problem with but she has hardly taken to anything and we need her to eat. One reason I personally wanted to avoid this route was because of the unknown chemicals and metals they have been finding in baby food recently. I really want to do my best to not expose Sweet Girl to any artificial ingredients, dyes, natural flavors or additional excitotoxins. I realize at some point she is going to eat some of it but I want to hold off as long as possible as her brain is going through the most development in these first few years. After speaking with the doctor, I did some research and found one brand (so far) where their ingredients have nothing else (citric acid, natural flavoring,ascorbic acid, etc.) except the food. I was surprised at how many organic purees have various amounts of chemicals in them for longer shelf life. Beech-Nut products (organic or not) have been the only ones so far to have the food only as the ingredients list. 

Throughout this entire process she seems to like vegetables way more than fruit. Her main go to is almond and peanut butter. Go figure, right?! So we are working on increasing her food and hoping that in doing so will help with her sleeping through the night at least once in the next three months.We get the impression she prefers bland foods right now. Flavors just throw her for a loop. 

When Sweet Girl has her AWAKE TIME she still parties hard, if not harder as she gets older aha

Sweet Girl loves her play time especially with her Lovevery toys. Click here to see my review on Lovevery’s third box for babies that are 5-6 months old. She still loves to kick and has gotten a lot stronger with them that we find ourselves saying “ouch!” half the time aha! She loves lounging in her high chair, Baby Bjorn Bouncer, or floor sit me up so she can hang out too. If she feels something is going on without her she will scream (screaming is her way of talking). 

We are fortunate that she still really only really cries when she is hungry, needs to burp, a diaper change, or done with an activity and wants something new. We learned (the hard way) she is not a fan of the heat and when she reaches a point, she just screams and is over it (her dad is the same way). 

We are still navigating how quickly she gets frustrated or loses patience. It is so interesting because one moment she is fine and happy the next upset and frustrated. There is no middle ground or warning with her. We have learned she gets bored very quickly and finds ourselves changing activities much quicker as she gets older. 

Over the last few months, we have learned these are some of her FAVORITE ITEMS

* This is not a sponsored post. Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. This helps with the time spent running and operating the blog and costs associated with that. All material provided on this website is provided for INFORMATIONAL or EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare provider or physician. All opinions are genuinely my own. *