Happy Saturday! It’s the freaking weekend & I do not know about you, but I used to use it as a reason to slack on my nutrition, skip a workout and sit and watch TV for hours on end.

After implementing these 3 TIPS I found I am more productive and only spend a few hours on the couch each day (still a work in progress lol)

  1. Start your day with a good sweat
  2. Enjoy a healthy breakfast
  3. Keep your goals in mind

Starting my day with a good sweat allows to me to not procrastinate and sets me up for success.

Naturally, afterwards, I want to fuel my body with food and Kodiak Cake pancakes. Yes, you can eat pancakes and still be eating right.

Every morning, I sit down and review my goals and keep them in mind constantly.

I have learned that if I just do not turn that TV on, I get things done and turn it on in the afternoons. You can also imagine that sometimes I turn it on because I want to procrastinate….oops

Comment below on any tips that have helped you have a balanced weekend ☀️